- Global and Indian Energy Scenario
- Types of solar technologies and applications
- Basics of electricity
- Overview of types of PV systems and components
- Solar resources, radiation and optimization
- PV Modules
- Module mounting structures
- Charge controllers
- Batteries
- PV Inverters
- Transformers
- DC and junction boxes
- Cables and connectors
- Lightening, surge, faults, earthing and protection
- Load calculation and analysis
- Site selection and shadow analysis
- PV system designing
- Preparation of drawings for rooftop PV systems
- PV system monitoring
- Standards and certification for PV components and systems
- Marking and labelling components
- Operation and maintenance
- Troubleshooting PV systems
- General and specific safety and tools
- Specific safety for PV systems
- Responsibility and professionalism
- Professional communication
- General administrative processes for electrical installations
- Procedures, permissions and approvals for rooftop PV systems
- Project execution plan and resource allocation
- Finishing a rooftop PV project
- Understanding financial payback, energy payback, carbon calculations
- Metering, interconnection and commissioning
- Preparation of financial proposal for Customer